For some this was must watch TV. For others, a fading historical event. And for a few complete idiots - a hoax. Buzz Aldrin does not work at Umbrella either. Darn it.Umbrella can write, shoot, edit and publish any type of video you need to every platform you desire - radio, tv, YouTube, Vimeo, iTunes and Amazon. We've produced everything from 15-second TV spots and video shorts to feature-length movies.
We'll manage all aspects of your video production:
- Music (original or stock)
- Script writing
- Directing
- Location scouting
- Actors and voice talent
And we promise you will never see recycled footage from our other clients in your video or any of your video in theirs. That is just lazy. Your video is your video. No shortcuts. No excuses.
At Umbrella, you won't see the usual "Hi, I'm Fred, buy my stuff." style of video advertising. You'll get a fresh approach that grabs your viewer's attention and delivers your message.
Midwest Coating Ads |
Roaring Rat Films IndieGoGo Campaign Ads |
In 2010, Umbrella launched a separate division, Roaring Rat Films, to write, shoot, edit and produce movies (check them out here: We now have 5 movies completed and another in production.
But, why? Making movies is h-a-r-d!
First, because we love movies, especially scary movies. Always have, always will. But think about it - what better way to highlight Umbrella's creative side? And we've learned a lot about how to tell compelling stories and keep an audience watching (hmm, could that be useful in say, advertising?) You bet.
If you'd like to watch our most popular movies, you can catch them on Amazon Prime. Over 10,000 people have to date.
- "Blackstone - Hand of God™"
- ”Zombie Beauty Pageant - Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.™”
- ”Zombie, Kansas - Death in the heartland.™”
Check out our movie posters (click or tap to view larger images or visit Amazon Prime to rent/stream):
Portfolio: Roaring Rat Films